Guide for searching ADOPIA


General information

Chronology of names: Names range in date from those attested on the earliest Latin inscriptions found in Lusitania during the Republic to those attested up to the end of the 3rd century AD.

Origin of names: All personal names attested on coins and inscriptions (except those on ceramics and amphorae) found in Hispania are included, as well as those attesting individuals from Hispania documented in other parts of the Roman Empire. Each name is mapped according to its place of origin rather than its place of discovery. People from other provinces attested in Hispania appear in a separate list (link).

Three types of search are possible:

. Search by name: all ancient personal names indexed, i.e., nomina, cognonima or single names. You may search by the entire name or by just part of a name.

. Search by place: either by modern place-name (link) or by ancient toponym (link)

. General search: This allows searches of the entire database, for instance, permitting other onomastic elements such as praenomina, Roman voting tribes or suprafamiliar organizations to be found.

Search results appear in a table with 5 columns and a map.



Name: the name appears in both masculine and feminine forms. Orthographic variants of the name are presented in the same entry. Each name is given in the Nominative, which sometimes requires the reconstruction of the Nominative form of the name in question when it is attested in another case: for example: ADIE(I)VS.
Function: of the name in the individual’s nomenclature: nomen and cognomen (abbreviated as cog) for Roman citizens, single name (abbreviated as NU) for peregrini and slaves. When it is impossible to tell for certain whether it is cognomen or single name, it is listed as Cog/NU.
Place: expressed by site, modern municipality (municipio) and modern province for place-names in Spain; by site, freguesia, concelho and distrito for place-names in Portugal. Spanish provinces and Portuguese districts are given in abbreviated from in brackets (link).
Ciuitas: Where known, the name of the Roman ciuitas in which the findspot was located is included. Material from the urban centre of each community is differentiated from that of its territory by the inclusion of (T) after the name of the community for attestations from the community’s territory.
Number of attestations: of each name in the specified modern location. By clicking on the symbol (+), you can access a list of all known examples of each personal name from the particular modern location presented in 4 columns, as follows:

. Complete denomination: of the individual where the particular name appears. In this column the name is linked to the relevant TRISMEGISTOS file of the inscription concerned; from there, you can access all epigraphic databases in which the epigraphic text is included.
. Function: of the name in the individual’s full nomenclature (v. supra).
. Date: given in simplified, numerical form
. Bibliography: of the inscription in which the personal name appears; the first edition is usually given, where possible, followed in brackets by its reference in the standard epigraphic repertories (AE, HEp, etc.). Until all references are homogenized in the near future, the bibliography is given according to two systems: (a) according to the norms used for AALR (for the older material) and (b) according to the norms of Ausonius Editions (for the more recent).


On the map all locations where the personal name is attested are marked, with the size of the circle reflecting the number of attestations found at each location. The colour indicates the linguistic root and onomastic function of each name:

Latin names: BLUE for nomina and RED for cognomina and single names.
Indigenous names: GREEN for nomina and YELLOW for cognomina and single names.
Greek names: BLACK, whatever their function.

Clicking on the map on a particular location allows you to access a list of all personal names attested at this place, presented in five columns as on the first screen (v. supra).